Canola meal, a byproduct from the processing of canola seeds into oil, is used as a livestock feed. Canola meal has a good amino acid balance with especially high levels of methionine, cysteine and histidine.
Canola meal pellets are a nutritious feed ingredient for livestock, providing essential amino acids. Scoular's canola meal pellets are produced locally at our dual oilseed crush facility (operational Fall 2024).
Canola oil is the nonvolatile oil pressed from the seeds of the canola plant. Canola oil may be available in refined, bleached, deodorized and winterized options. Scoular's Goodland crush facility (online Fall 2024) will produce super-degummed canola oil.
Canola seed is often used to make canola oil but is also used as a birdseed, either fed alone or mixed in a blend.