
About our soybean products

The soybean is a very versatile legume and is used in many feed and food applications for human consumption, as well as pet food and livestock feed. We offer soybeans and soybean meal, as well as soy ingredients, including identity-preserved, organic and non-GMO options. If you have a different need, let us know. We’d be happy to help you find a solution.

Dark hilum soybeans

Dark Hilum Soybeans

Dark hilum soybeans are a complete protein that contain all nine essential amino acids. Dark hilum soybeans are often used as feed for livestock but can be used in some food manufacturing. We offer identity-preserved, organic and non-GMO options.

Clear Hilum soybeans

Clear Hilum Soybeans

Clear hilum soybeans are a complete protein that contain all nine essential amino acids. Clear hilum beans are a preferred soybean for the food manufacturing industry, used in flours, soymilk and tofu. We offer clear hilum soybeans that are rated for human consumption, with identity-preserved, organic and non-GMO options available.

High Oleic Soybeans

Our high oleic soybeans produce a soybean oil with significant functionality and health benefits for the global food industry.

Soybean Coproducts

Soy flour

Soy Protein

We offer identity-preserved, non-GMO soy protein as a food ingredient.

Soy beans in field

Soy Lecithin

We offer soy lecithin used in pet food manufacturing.

soybean meal for feed

Feed-Grade Soybean Meal

We offer feed-grade soybean meal used for feeding livestock.

Food grade soybean meal

Food-Grade Soybean Meal

We offer food-grade soybean meal used for milling of soy flour, soy milk and vegetable proteins. We offer identity-preserved, organic and non-GMO options.

soybean hulls pellets

Soybean Hulls

We offer feed-grade soybean hulls for use feeding livestock.

Looking for more product information?
Talk to our grain and seed ingredients team.