Research & Development

From concept to commercialization

Our Food Innovation R&D team is dedicated to unlocking the full potential of our ingredients and providing technical support to you, our customer partners. We offer the resources and expertise necessary to meet your functional needs and develop successful products to keep pace with industry trends and satisfy consumer demands.  

We are committed to accelerating the commercialization process, helping you be more effective, efficient and find the right solution for your formulation, first.  


Ingredient expertise

We specialize in functionality. Through lab testing and research, we assess and identify functional properties and optimal applications of ingredients from around the world.

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Formula development

Tap into support from a deeper technical side. Our experts guide customers in selecting and using the best ingredients and incorporating them effectively into formulations and drive innovation.

Technical & application support

Our team provides consultative concept development, working with you as an extension of your technical team, from initial ideation to commercial product launch.

Leverage our in-house research and development resources to help create targeted solutions you need to deliver innovative consumer products.

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Cracking the code: Expertise enables custom solution for bakery customer

Scoular’s R&D team moved with speed and accuracy to deliver a solution for a new bakery customer. 

For several years, the customer had searched for a more cost-effective soy protein isolate to use in their tortillas. Finding a solution would be tricky – it would need to perform at scale and match expectations on taste and texture. Plus, their R&D team was resource constrained.  

Scoular’s R&D team – armed with deep technical knowledge, the ability to customize soy proteins, and a tortilla press – arrived at the optimal solution. Just six months later, the customer ordered the new ingredient.