Biofuel Producers

Energy meets agricultural know-how

As experienced facilitators and connectors within the agricultural supply chain, Scoular brings an added layer of commodity expertise to the biofuel industry. We work across the supply chain within the biofuel and feedstock markets to provide independent producers, third-party blenders, obligated parties and suppliers with procurement, marketing, strategic partnership, risk management services and investment opportunities.


Market understanding and knowledge

We've been involved in commodities for over a century, which gives us unique insight into sustainable sourcing and trading feedstocks.

Trust and reliability

We're not going anywhere. Our experience and financial strength gives us the ability to provide effective risk management to our partners, including making investments in customer assets.

Regulatory awareness

As carbon regulations change and demand for sustainable supply grows, we're right there, keeping up with evolving fuel standards and looking for ways to help you reduce carbon scores without sacrificing performance.

Our biofuels services

  • Feedstock procurement
    Supply assurance and just-in-time inventory solutions for corn, milo, fats, oils and greases.
  • Coproduct marketing
    Access to established relationships with feeders for distillers dried grains (DDGs) and glycerin.
  • Fuel marketing
    Creation of deal structures for ethanol and biodiesel producers, as well as physical supply for blenders.
  • Risk management
    All-encompassing procedures and policies, including disaster protection, transfer of price risk and pricing alternatives.
  • Environmental credit management
    Personalized consultation around changing regulations and low-carbon fuel standards.

Connecting the supply chain using our insights

Procuring feedstock for ethanol, biodiesel and renewable diesel producers is a big part of the Scoular business overall. Having this broad level of visibility into the commodity markets is what gives us the insights needed to help you achieve success.

We have the knowledge and the platforms to manage total commodity risk around a facility.


Investing in the Kansas economy by revitalizing a local business

In an effort to continue supporting producers in biofuels (ethanol and biodiesel), we partnered with Pratt Energy in Pratt, Kansas, to revitalize a 55-million-gallon ethanol plant and adjoining 1.8-million-bushel shuttle train facility.

Together, Scoular and Pratt Energy provided equity capital, working capital and commodity management to support the growth and evolution of the company.

In addition to benefitting area farmers, grain elevators and livestock feeders, the plant is further contributing to the local economy through employment and increasing opportunities for commerce.